Cultures Africa Must End(Part 1)

A great article about education today. What are we doing wrong? Is there room for change? What do you think?

Liz's blog

Culture emanated from the existence of humanity. It
is a contest which begun early BC and Africa is the connection point of these
norms we are going to sail through.

Unemployment is a major problem in entire Africa. Her youths are highly affected and it is a pressing need which has to be dealt with as it upsets our economy as a continent. This is because the economic growth of a country is measured by how much each citizen produces and in this case who should create the jobs. From time memorial we have been brought up in a culture which is full of transform-blame. Having thoughts that it is someone else’s responsibility to create an opportunity then we show up for huge incomes as per our high level of education.

Education first seemed to be a proper way of solving unemployment. This called out for investment in this sector…

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